
Spies Should Be Prosecuted In Ireland – FG

Fine Gael are calling for the alleged Russian Spies who are believed to have used forged Irish passports to be charged and tried in Ireland.

This week, 10 alleged Russian spies are facing a US trail after Intelligence services tracked their movements and infiltrated the group. The trail has heard that at least one of the suspects was using a forged Irish passport.

Speaking in response to the revelations, the Opposition European Affairs Spokesperson, Lucinda Creighton, said the illegal use of Irish passports by members of the alleged Russian spy ring could result in those members being prosecuted in Ireland.

Deputy Creighton, who is also a qualified barrister and member of the New York Bar, said that under section 20 of the Passports Act 2008, possession or use of a passport known to be false is an offence that can be prosecuted in Ireland even if the offence was committed outside the State.

“The possible illegal use of Irish passports by Russian spies comes hot on the heels of a Mossad death squad also illegally using our passports," Ms Creighton said.

She added: “Irish passports are increasingly seen as a soft touch for those abroad who are engaged in clandestine and illegal operations. This cannot be allowed to stand. Under Irish law, anyone using a false Irish passport anywhere in the world can be prosecuted in Ireland."

Ms Creighton went on to explain that the this was due to Section 20 of the Passports Act 2008 which states it is an offence to possess or use a passport known to be false.

Even if all offences were committed outside the State, the perpetrator can be prosecuted here under the Act with a penalty of an unlimited fine or up to 10 years in prison.


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