
Lenihan Climb Down Over 'Intelligent Design' Book

The Irish Minister for Science Conor Lenihan has been forced into a climb-down over his overt support for a new book calling evolution a "hoax".

Mr Lenihan was to make a speech in support of the launch of The Origin of Specious Nonsense by Dublin writer John J May in Buswell's Hotel on Wednesday evening, but has now backed out after major remonstrations by Irish scientists, humanist and atheist groups as well as an influential American professor.

Mr Lenihan said he was attending the book launch - which is being self published by the author - in the capacity of a TD and not the science minister as Mr May was a constituent. However, after an internet campaign highlighting the Science Ministers attendance, Mr Lenihan was asked to back out by the author who claimed he was embarrassed by the degree of criticism levied.

At the time of writing, Mr Lenihan's twitter page is receiving statement's of criticism and condemnation at the rate of approximately one per second, with one tweeter reffering to the minister as "an ignorant fool" and another asking "Can you please say which other 'theories' need debunking in new books? How do you stand on gravity?"

Mr May's book, entitled The Origin of Specious Nonsense, calls the Darwinian Theory of Evolution a "hoax" and describes anyone who teaches it as "either ignorant or deliberately suppressing the known scientific facts".

An ex-Christian evangelist teacher, Mr May admits on his website that he has few formal educational qualifications, no official background in science and describes himself as "like Abraham Lincoln" and a "polymath", or genius in many disciplines.

This morning, an influential biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, described Mr May as "a barmy, ignorant crank."

Writing on his influential blog, Pharyngula, Professor PZ Myers said: "I read the sample pages, and his big argument is from pregnancy and development — he's looked at it, superficially, and come away from it all dazzled at how complicated it all is, and that's the entirety of his argument: it's all too complicated."

Professor Myres went on to describe Mr May as a random kook on the internet with a self-published book promoting his own ignorance.

However, the professor said it was an "interesting twist" that he was having a launch party, and the man doing the introductions is Conor Lenihan, the Irish Minister of State with special responsibility for Science, Technology, Innovation and Natural Resources.

"Lenihan doesn't seem to have any actual qualifications in science. I think he needs a change of title.," he said.

An expert from the book reads: "At eight weeks not only the heart but every single other organ is formed, function and self testing. When each organ is microscopically examined and observed, it is patently obvious extraordinarily superior unmatchable intelligence is responsible and there is no other logical reasonable rational reliable explanation."

There is no actual critical address of the current widely accepted and well-understood scientific explanation for cell division in the sample.

Athiest Ireland, also commenting this morning, said Mr Lenihan's intention to attend was an "abuse of his Ministerial position", and an attack by the Irish government on both scientists and science education.

The group pointed out that last year Minister Lenihan told a Science Foundation of Ireland summit that “The relevance and value of science must be continually communicated to the general public," and that he would be "now advancing this noble vision by attending a ‘Gorrillas and Girls’ party and a photo shoot with Charles Darwin and King Kong, where he will launch the book, The Origin of Specious Nonsense, written by his friend John J May."


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