
An Phoblacht Autumn School For Cork

There has been a warm welcome for news of the establishment of the inaugural An Phoblacht Autumn School which takes place in Baile Bhuirne, West Cork this weekend, Friday and Saturday, 24th and 25th September.

The Sinn Féin Vice-President Mary Lou McDonald has welcomed the initiative and said the An Phoblacht School would grow to be an important forum for debating progressive ideas about building a better Ireland.

The Stormont Regional Development, Conor Murphy will travel south to officially open the school on Friday.

Guest speakers over the weekend include Cork Hurler Donal Óg Cusack, Musician Peadar Ó Riada, economists Michael Burke and Tom O'Connor and Trevor Ó Clothartaigh of new Irish language newspaper Gaelscéal.

Also addressing the event will be former hunger striker Raymond McCartney - now an MLA - who will give a personal account of the 1980 Hunger Strike, 30 years on.

Others speakers include Kerry North TD Martin Férris and Sinn Féin's newest councillor Chris O'Leary.

Mary Lou McDonald said: "The establishment of an annual An Phoblacht School comes as part of wider changes at the paper that has seen it go from a weekly to a monthly publication with more pages, more colour and an exciting new website.

"These changes have been widely welcomed and embraced by the paper's readership.

"The An Phoblacht School aims to be a space for exchanging and debating ideas, for discussing issues of culture, language, history as well as economics and current affairs.

"We want to foster a debate about advancing an alternative vision for Ireland – the theme of this year's event is 'Time to change Ireland'.

"This event will see debates on the all-Ireland economy, the future of the Gaeltacht and the type of positive changes that can and need to be brought about in this country," she concluded.


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