
First Payments Under AEOS Issued

The first payments to Irish farmers who entered a government scheme in May last year have been issued.

Some 8,400 farmers who applied for the Agri Environment Options Scheme (AEOS) have been accepted into the programme.

Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney said: "The first tranche of payments have been issued and the remainder will be paid on an on-going basis."

According to the statement released by the Minister under EU rules administrative checks for all applicants had to be completed before the first payments could be issued.

The announcement that payment will commence follows an outcry last week about the late AEOS payments. A statement last week said payments for 2010 would be released later than the July and August deadlines initially outlined.

The Mayo branch of the Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers’ Association (ICSA) voiced its anger at the Department of Agriculture on its failure to issue payments when promised.

"The Department of Agriculture are playing our farmers for fools on this," said Cathal O’Reilly, ICSA Mayo chairman and Ballyhaunis farmer last week.

"The current Minister assured us that payments would be made this month and now we’re hearing that there is going to be a further delay. How does he expect farmers to react when the Department is saying one thing and doing another? The level of anger is ratcheting up across the county from farmers that haven’t yet been paid."

Mr O’Reilly further commented: "Let’s face facts here, farmers entered into the AEOS in May 2010 in good faith. We carried out all work that was required under the scheme in good faith. We expected payments before this. Why would anyone want to enter any future AEOS programmes into the future after nearly 9,000 farmers have been taken advantage of?"

With today’s announcement the Minister has made a move towards pacifying the farmers who were becoming discontent with AEOS.

The Minister said: "As with any new scheme, the initial administrative requirements are quite onerous and include processing applications and issuing approvals to all eligible applicants. As this process has now been completed, I am delighted to announce that AEOS payments have now commenced and over €1.25 million has now been issued."

"The scheme aims to put environmentally-friendly farming to the forefront and recognises the vital role farmers play in delivering public goods for the benefit of all society. That is why, despite the ongoing budgetary pressures facing my department, I re-opened the Scheme this year." he added.

The 7,000 farmers who applied to join AEOS in 2011 will shortly be informed whether they have been approved into the Scheme.


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