
Abbeyleix Community Nursing Home Winds Down

It has been confirmed that Abbeyleix Community Nursing Unit Co. Laois will close on a phased basis.

Consultations with the residents and their families in relation to alternative arrangements that will take account of each individual’s circumstances started with the Health Service Executive (HSE) yesterday.

A complete implementation plan for the transfer of patients will consider the needs of the service user and the proximity of the identified nursing unit to the relatives. In addition, a liaison person will be appointed to support and liaise with the residents throughout the process.

The provision of a safe and quality service is paramount to the HSE.

An HSE statement said: "The decision to close the unit was taken on the basis that the capacity to continue to deliver a safe service is not possible in view of the reducing financial allocation across all HSE services, continued reductions in staff numbers, (in line with plans to reduce the overall number of staff working in the public sector) and the difficulty in meeting HIQA Standards, in particular the standard for physical environment into the future."

The HSE added that the 28 current long stay residents would be transferred to alternative accommodation in the surrounding areas.

The day care services will continue to cater for the needs of the 90 clients who currently use the service.

Respite service for the current eight clients will continue however it is intended that it will transfer to a private provider following consultation with the families concerned.

The Primary Care Centre located on the grounds of the facility will also continue in line with the HSE Primary Care Strategy.

The HSE added that "it should be stressed that no service users will be placed in a more costly financial position in terms of their care" and that staff at the unit will be redeployed to other services in the area.

All discussions with staff will be facilitated through their unions in line with the Croke Park Agreement.


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