
Childers Welcomes New Euro President

The Labour MEP Nessa Childers has welcomed the victory of socialist leader Martin Schultz who has been voted the new President of the European Parliament.

Mr Shultz is a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany and was voted into the role on Tuesday with 387 votes in favour out of 670 cast.

Ms Childers said the Shultz would be instrumental in breaking up the conservative Merkozy partnership, which she described as a "complete failiure".

"I welcome today's victory for our group leader Martin Schultz as President of the European Parliament. Since the start of the economic crisis, our Group of 190 MEPs has been out front on all the major debates of the euro crisis, and proven right on each one so far. Martin has been instrumental in that fight on behalf of the ordinary citizens of Europe.

"The conservative Merkozy partnership is a complete failure, and only the solutions as articulated by Martin Schultz will work. He must lead this fight now as President of the European Parliament against Merkel and Sarkozy."


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