
ICTU Meets Burton To Discuss CE 'Crisis'

Members of the congress of trade unions are to meet with the Minister for Social Protection to discuss the "developing crisis" in the Community Sector.

A delegation from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions will meet with the Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton, at 4.00pm on Tuesday in Dáil Eireann to discuss the developing crisis in the Community Sector and the government’s proposed review of Community Employment (CE) schemes funding.

The Congress delegation will be led by ICTU General Secretary, David Begg, and will include Siptu General President, Jack O’Connor, and Impact national secretary Matt Staunton.

ICTU Community Sector Committee chairman, David Connolly, and Chairman of the Siptu CE Supervisors Union Committee, Seamus Briscoe, will also be among those attending the talks.

David Connolly said; “This meeting follows a campaign by trade unionists to highlight the severe adverse impact communities will suffer if the proposed cut-backs to the funding of CE schemes funding in the recent budget are not reversed.”

The ICTU said its delegation will be advising Minister Burton that the full funds necessary to cover CE schemes existing overheads should be made available in order to curtail an immediate crisis which has led to some essential projects ceasing operation.

"All training programmes should also be maintained until the conclusion of the Government’s review of the CE sector which is to be completed within three months.”


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