HSE To Recruit 57 Social Workers To Fill Current Vacancies
Frances Fitzgerald TD., Minister for Children and Youth Affairs has today confirmed that the HSE is recruiting 57 social workers to fill recent vacancies across all care groups, including those as a result of retirements.
A significant number of these will be recruited to Child & Family Services so as maintain the momentum established by this Government in increasing the number of social works employed in Child & Family Services.
Minster Fitzgerald was speaking today at a meeting of the Select Sub-Committee on Children & Youth Affairs to discuss the 2012 Estimates.
Minister Fitzgerald today confirmed that the current total number of social workers employed in Child & Family Services is 1,197. This figure includes 258 of the 263 additional posts recruited to date in line with the recommendations of the Ryan Report
However, in recent months a number of vacancies have arisen, primarily as a result of 31 retirements but also due to other reasons, including career breaks and extended leave.
If all current vacancies are filled, the increase in the number of Child and Family social workers employed under this government would be over 60. HSE National Director Gordon Jeyes has been given the authority to fill key vacancies. The HSE is currently recruiting 57 social workers to fill recent vacancies across all care groups.
A significant number of these will be recruited to Child & Family Services so as maintain the momentum established by this Government in increasing the number of social works employed in Child & Family Services.
Minster Fitzgerald was speaking today at a meeting of the Select Sub-Committee on Children & Youth Affairs to discuss the 2012 Estimates.
Minister Fitzgerald today confirmed that the current total number of social workers employed in Child & Family Services is 1,197. This figure includes 258 of the 263 additional posts recruited to date in line with the recommendations of the Ryan Report
However, in recent months a number of vacancies have arisen, primarily as a result of 31 retirements but also due to other reasons, including career breaks and extended leave.
If all current vacancies are filled, the increase in the number of Child and Family social workers employed under this government would be over 60. HSE National Director Gordon Jeyes has been given the authority to fill key vacancies. The HSE is currently recruiting 57 social workers to fill recent vacancies across all care groups.
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