
State Examinations Commissioners Announced

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., today announced the appointments to the board of the State Examinations Commission (SEC).

The SEC is a statutory body, separate from the Department of Education and Skills, responsible for the operation of the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate examinations.

Richard Langford, former CEO of City of Cork VEC, is a former Chairperson of the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland and of the SEC. Mr Langford has been re-appointed Chairperson of the Commission.

Mr Joe Harrison, is a former principal of St Joseph’s Secondary School, Spanish Point, Co Clare and Calasanctius College, Oranmore, Co Galway, and Department of Education and Skills Post-Primary Inspector. He has been appointed Deputy Chairperson.

Mr Martin Carney is a former teacher and principal in Scoil Muire agus Padraig, Swinford.

Mr Brian Fleming is a former principal of Collinstown Community College and a former member of County Dublin VEC.

Dr Caroline Hussey is a former Registrar and Deputy President of UCD.

The commissioners will hold office for three years, with their term of office ending on the 3rd April 2015.

Minister Quinn said: "The skills and expertise of these board members will ensure that the Irish examinations system continues to be held in the highest esteem.

"The period ahead is one of significant change, which will be challenging for the SEC and the education system generally. The role of the Commissioners will be key in ensuring that the SEC continues to respond to existing and also to the new demands in the examination system."


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