
National Youth Council Of Ireland Launches Report

Many young Irish emigrants are moving abroad to experience new horizons and access greater opportunities, according to a report issued by The National Youth Council of Ireland's (NYCI).

The report 'Time to Go?' is the first qualitative study exploring the experience and impact of emigration on Ireland’s youth over the past two years. The results provide an insight into the opportunities and difficulties faced by young emigrants in Canada, the UK and beyond.

The main findings from the research include:

Reasons for emigrating

• Limited employment options and lack of opportunities at home were cited as a determining factor prompting their decision to leave.

Use of ICT

• skype, free web apps and other ICTs were regarded by research participants as essential for keeping in touch with home in a cost effective way, and many stated that they spoke more frequently to their parents now than when they lived in Ireland.

Adjustment problems and challenges

• Emigrants still encounter significant adjustment problems and often struggle with periods of intense homesickness, stress over financial concerns, accommodation, and job searching.

• But many young people stated that their emigration was much harder for their parents, than it was for them.

Plans for the Future

• The vast majority of participants interviewed expressed the intention and desire to return home after a period of time provided they could get a job.

Marie-Claire McAleer, Senior Research and Policy Officer at NYCI, said: "In the past 2 years over a quarter of our population has been affected by the emigration of a close family member, and half of our 18 – 24 years olds have said they would consider emigrating themselves, so it is vital that this issue is given the consideration it deserves, and that a dedicated Government policy response is developed to support our young emigrants and tackle the challenges they face."


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