
Coroner's Court Hears From Only Surviving Tit Bonhomme Crew

A coroner’s court in Cork has heard evidence from the only survivor of the Tit Bonhomme fishing disaster, RTÉ have reported.

At the opening day of the inquest the court heard how Abdelbaky Mohammed only managed to survive as he grabbed the belt of a life jacket.

Five men, including the skipper, died when the trawler sank in Gladore Harbour in January 2012.

According to RTÉ, Mr Mohammed described how he woke when a blow hit the trawler, describing it as like suddenly hitting the brakes in a car.

The court heard that skipper Michael Hayes passed out life jackets to the crew, which everyone managed to put on despite not being able to stay on their feet.

Coroner Frank O’Connell is leading the inquest, which is ongoing.


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