
High Pharmaceutical Prices Slammed

Labour Phil Prendergast MEP has announced her disappointment at the conclusions of the ESRI Report on Pharmaceutical Prices in Ireland.

She said: "The price of pharmaceuticals in Ireland has always been a source of concern, but this is particularly the case when people are struggling with higher levels of personal debt. The cost of healthcare must never act as a barrier to any treatment.

"Generic brand medicines when introduced were hailed as a method of cost saving, but it now appears that this has not in fact been the case. I find it incredibly disappointing that even though Ireland has invested in generic brand drugs, no significant savings have been made, either for the consumer or for the government.

"I am hopeful that the Health (Pricing and Medical Goods) Act 2013 will impact on these results and lower the cost of pharmaceuticals in Ireland, eliminating the cost burden and contributing positively to healthcare in the State."


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