
Rise In Food Safety Enforcement Orders

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has reported a total of 143 Enforcement Orders served for breaches in food safety legislation in 2013 compared with 109 in 2012, an increase of 31% - making last year the highest to date for the number of Enforcement Orders issued.

The FSAI re-emphasised that it is unacceptable that some food businesses were continuing to breach food safety laws and warned that all food businesses must place robust food safety management systems top of their agenda or face the full rigors of the law. The FSAI stated that enforcement officers will continue to take a zero tolerance policy to breaches of food safety legislation and will not hold back in taking swift action against any food business that fails to meet its legal obligations in this area.

Between 1 January and 31 December 2013, enforcement officers served 119 Closure Orders, four Improvement Orders and 20 Prohibition Orders on food businesses throughout the country. This compares with 91 Closure Orders, three Improvement Orders and 15 Prohibition Orders issued in 2012.

During the month of December 2013, 11 Closure Orders were served on food businesses for breaches in food safety legislation pursuant to the FSAI Act, 1998 and the EC (Official Control of Foodstuffs) Regulations, 2010. Ten of the Enforcement Orders were issued by environmental health officers in the Health Service Executive and one by the local authority veterinary inspector in Monaghan County Council.

Three Closure Orders were served under the FSAI Act, 1998 on:

• Aneta Dabrowska (meat & meat products) (smoking house area only), Ednamo, Inniskeen, Monaghan

• Cronin's Butchers (Closed area: food preparation room on first floor), Strand Street, Kanturk, Cork

• Lithuanica (grocery) (the store room of the premises), Unit 4, Edgeworthstown Retail Park, Edgeworthstown, Longford.

Eight Closure Orders were served under the EC (Official Control of Foodstuffs) Regulations, 2010 on:

• Spice Heaven Indian Takeaway, Unit 9A, Porters Avenue, Coolmine Industrial Estate, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15

• Indian Taste (take-away), 43 St. Mary's Terrace, Ballybough Road, Dublin 3

• China Garden (take-away), 8 Stockwell Street, Drogheda, Louth

• Fusion Café, 109 North Main Street, Wexford

• Conefrey's Pub (food store/preparation room at the rear of pub), Main Street, Edgeworthstown, Longford (two Closure Orders were served on this premises)

• China Town (take-away), Main Street, Castlebellingham, Louth

• Market Kitchen (restaurant), Market Street, Swinford, Mayo.

During the month of December, a successful prosecution was carried out by the Health Service Executive on Swilly Meats Limited (butcher), Pearse Road, Letterkenny, Donegal for breaches of food additives legislation.

Commenting on the annual figures, Professor Alan Reilly, Chief Executive, FSAI said: "Every Enforcement Order is one too many and it is extremely disappointing that, yet again, we have seen a significant year-on-year increase in the number of Enforcement Orders needing to be served, making the 2013 figures the highest number of enforcements to date.

"Last year's 31% increase is extremely disappointing and serves as an unfortunate reminder that some food businesses continue to put their customer's health at risk by not complying with their legal obligations of food safety and hygiene. There is absolutely no excuse for negligent food practices."


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