
Central Consultation Website Proposed

The government has been urged to consider establishing a "one-stop" website, to act as a hub for public consultations.

The idea for a "central hub for all issues subject to public consultation", was raised by Fine Gael's Laois/Offaly TD, Marcella Corcoran Kennedy, during Topical Issues in the Dáil.

Deputy Cocoran said: "It makes sense to have one central website where people can go to make submissions on any issue which is subject to public consultation.

"Members of the public frequently tell me that they heard about the public consultation process on a particular issue too late, and as a result didn’t have their voice heard. If we had one central website, it would be much easier for the public to have their say on a range of important issues."

The proposes idea would see one website used by government departments, State agencies, semi-State companies, local authorities and Oireachtas Committees operating along the lines of the e-tenders website.

The deputy said that such a site would have the potential "to be a real piece of reform in terms of improving the relationship between the public and our State bodies."


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