
Latest Live Register Figures Welcomed

Labour TD John Lyons has welcomed the latest Live Register figures which show a 7% fall in the number of people unemployed since the same point last year.

"This represents the lowest rate since May 2009. There was a fall of over 29,000 in the Live Register from April 2013 to the present, evidence of positive signs for Ireland's economy and for local communities.

"The Live Register has now fallen for 22 months in a row, a remarkable statistic by any standard. While the recovery has not touched everyone, and is not visible in every community, we are slowly getting there. 61,000 jobs were created in 2013 alone.

"Significantly, the figures show a fall of 4.2% in the number of long-term unemployed annually, with 46,000 moving off the Live Register and into work since the introduction of Pathways to Work.

"A huge amount of work has gone in at government level to work to reduce the numbers of long-term unemployed."


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