
Live Register Falls 5%

Loraine Mulligan, Labour by-election candidate for Dublin West, said the 5% fall in the Live Register in Blanchardstown in April from last year was testament to the work of groups like the Blanchardstown Area Partnership.

She was speaking as she met yesterday evening with Minister Joan Burton, Emer Costello MEP and Northern Ireland MEP Arlene McCarthy at the Partnership offices.

"We met with local JobBridge interns and staff at the centre, and saw first-hand the importance of this local service in tackling unemployment.

"With a 5% fall in the Live Register in Blanchardstown in April from last year, we are making progress in tackling unemployment locally, and community-based services are vital to achieving this.

"Linda Curran and the staff there do tremendous work in helping long-term unemployed people find training, and working with local training providers to give people who are out of work the skills they need to get jobs, such as CV training, interview skills, and employment workshops.

"As a board member of the European Anti-Poverty Network and a researcher with SIPTU, I know how important these kind of local services are in dealing with unemployment and helping people make the transition into work."


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