Sinn Féin Pledge To 'Root Out Corruption Once And For All'
Sinn Féin has pledged to "root out" corruption "once and for all".
Gerry Adams made the pledge at the launch of party's Local Government Manifesto, saying that if successful, Sinn Féin councillors would "expose corruption and root it out of public life once and for all; will rigorously pursue evidence of corruption, whether by council members or officials, and will also advocate on behalf of whistle-blowers who may come forward to defend the public interest."
"Planning is one area of public life where corruption and malpractice have flourished for decades.
"The Mahon Tribunal found that planning corruption had become entrenched and widespread in this state ‘because no one has been prepared to stop it’. Governments involving Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and Labour oversaw this corruption.
"None of the Mahon recommendations have been implemented," Mr Adams said.
Adding: "Sinn Féin is putting this Government on notice: Sinn Féin will expose corruption and root it out of public life once and for all.
"Our pledge is that Sinn Féin Councillors, right across this state, will exercise vigilance and will rigorously pursue evidence of corruption, whether by council members or officials.
"Sinn Féin will also advocate on behalf of whistle-blowers who may come forward to defend the public interest."
Gerry Adams made the pledge at the launch of party's Local Government Manifesto, saying that if successful, Sinn Féin councillors would "expose corruption and root it out of public life once and for all; will rigorously pursue evidence of corruption, whether by council members or officials, and will also advocate on behalf of whistle-blowers who may come forward to defend the public interest."
"Planning is one area of public life where corruption and malpractice have flourished for decades.
"The Mahon Tribunal found that planning corruption had become entrenched and widespread in this state ‘because no one has been prepared to stop it’. Governments involving Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and Labour oversaw this corruption.
"None of the Mahon recommendations have been implemented," Mr Adams said.
Adding: "Sinn Féin is putting this Government on notice: Sinn Féin will expose corruption and root it out of public life once and for all.
"Our pledge is that Sinn Féin Councillors, right across this state, will exercise vigilance and will rigorously pursue evidence of corruption, whether by council members or officials.
"Sinn Féin will also advocate on behalf of whistle-blowers who may come forward to defend the public interest."
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