
3,300 Places On Offer At TCD

About 3,300 places are being offered to prospective undergraduate students to study at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) this year.

Points for courses at the University show strong demand in 2014, the university said. There have been increases in science with courses such as Nanoscience, Physics & Chemistry of Advanced Materials up 10 points to 595, while Theoretical Physics has risen 50 points to 550.

Management Science & Information Systems Studies (MSISS) is up 30 points to 515.

This year also saw a rise in Engineering, which rose by five points to 470. Computer Science is up by five points to 465 and Engineering with Management rose by five points to 460.

In the Health Sciences, courses such as Physiotherapy saw a rise of 10 points to 545. Radiation Therapy is up five points to 535, while Dental Science remains at 585 points, as does Pharmacy with 565 points.

Points in Medicine have decreased for the first time this year, by 15 points to 733.

In Arts, Humanities and the Social Sciences, points for Law remained unchanged at 530 while Law combined with Politics saw an increase of five points to 575.

There were no changes in other popular courses such as Business, Economic and Social Studies, which remained at 495, as did Computer Science and Business at 465. There was also no change in Social Studies, which remained at 460 and Philosophy, Political Science, Economics and Sociology at 540. Business and Language programmes showed some increases such as Business and German up five points to 490; and Business and Spanish was also up 15 points to 525.

Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Dr Gillian Martin said: "Congratulations to all those students who have received third-level offers today. We are looking forward to welcoming the new Junior Freshman students to Trinity. They are about to become part of a diverse and inclusive Trinity community of students, staff and alumni, who will support them as they embark on a new and exciting phase in their lives."


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