
'Action Plan For Jobs - Regional' Launched

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton, has launched the new Action Plan for Jobs – Regional, a new initiative focusing on rural areas.

Welcoming the news, Fine Gael TD for Laois/Offaly, and Chairperson of the Oireachtas Jobs Committee, Marcella Corcoran Kennedy, said: "Employment is growing in every region but extra resources are needed to accelerate the recovery in regional areas and that is what the Action Plan for Jobs – Regional is all about.

"Based on the APJ, each region will develop a strategy setting out lists of actions with timelines and responsibility allocated, and then monitoring implementation.

"A regional team will be established to meet with stakeholders, identify the strengths of a region and to finalise actions. The first plan will be published in the coming weeks for the Midlands, with six plans published by July and all eight in place by the Autumn.

"As part of the Action Plan for Jobs – Regional a five year, €250million strategy has been laid out. Up to €100 million in Enterprise Ireland funding will be made available, €50 million of which will be up for grabs on a competitive basis from this year. This funding will be allocated to regional projects that show the best potential for jobs creation.

"IDA Ireland will also make available €150 million capital investment programme over the five year period. Over the coming years investments will be made in building advance manufacturing and office facilities in Sligo, Tralee, Castlebar, Galway, Dundalk, Limerick, Athlone, Carlow and Waterford.

"Action Plan for Jobs – Regional is based on a 'bottom up' policy and takes a competitive approach. As someone who lives very happily in rural Ireland I know that there are great businesses in every part of the country and that there is a treasure trove of ideas. This strategy is about maximising potential and providing additional support for the projects and businesses."


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