
Warning Issued Over Rise In Invoice Fraud

Businesses in Ireland have been warned of an increase in invoice redirection fraud.

Gardaí have warned that this type of fraud continues to be prevalent, with a number of organisations and businesses have been targeted.

All entities involved in paying invoices or requested to transfer funds to any new bank accounts be it within Ireland have been warned to exercise caution.

An Garda Siochana advises that any request received electronically or otherwise, purporting to emanate from either internal or external sources, seeking to change payment arrangements should be verified verbally or through previously agreed lines of communication with the purported legitimate sender, and not by responding to the suspect communication.

Gardai would request that all staff involved in the payment of invoices are made aware of this type of fraud, advising:

• To check and aware of any request to change or alter payment details

• To review existing protocols in relation to the change of payment details, particularly where these requests are made in writing or by email

• All changes to payment details should be at least verified by phone or other means of personal contact to a known nominated person at the institution or company concerned on a phone number that the have verified as genuine

Where any business suspects that such an attempt was made or indeed where they have received such a request they should immediately contact their local Garda station and their bank.


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