SF Hits Out At Govt Over Plans For Landlords To Withhold Deposits
The Government has been slammed over plans for landlords to withhold deposits from tenants if they do not pay water charges.
Sinn Féin housing spokesperson, Dessie Ellis TD, said the move would cause a range of issues and increase the number of people requiring emergency accommodation.
Mr Ellis said: "The illegal withholding of tenants deposits is already a major issue which requires attention. Tenants who cannot access their deposits, on moving, experience severe hardship finding alternative accommodation as well as deprivation due to the loss of crucial funds. Withholding deposits has led to some people going homeless and needing emergency accommodation.
"The government must row back on this proposal. We need a deposit retentions scheme to end the withholding of deposits, the government promised such a scheme but have failed to deliver, now they say they may go even further by encouraging the withholding of deposits."
Sinn Féin housing spokesperson, Dessie Ellis TD, said the move would cause a range of issues and increase the number of people requiring emergency accommodation.
Mr Ellis said: "The illegal withholding of tenants deposits is already a major issue which requires attention. Tenants who cannot access their deposits, on moving, experience severe hardship finding alternative accommodation as well as deprivation due to the loss of crucial funds. Withholding deposits has led to some people going homeless and needing emergency accommodation.
"The government must row back on this proposal. We need a deposit retentions scheme to end the withholding of deposits, the government promised such a scheme but have failed to deliver, now they say they may go even further by encouraging the withholding of deposits."
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