
Urgent Need To Update Drug Legislation - FG

There is an urgent need to update to the Misuse of Drugs Act, to empower Gardaí to quash new drugs appearing on the market, Fine Gael's Catherine Noone has said.

The Dublin Senator and candidate for Dublin West, said: "It's quite clear that new synthetic drugs are potentially very dangerous and, frankly, still a hugely unknown quantity.

"RTÉ's Prime Time programme has revealed how one such drug, 'Clockwork Orange', is being sold online and by street dealers. It also highlighted the possible dangers of the drug.

"I have already received assurances that the Misuse of Drugs Act will be updated in early 2016. However, I feel that this issue should now be addressed more urgently, as it is clear the Gardaí are powerless to pursue a prosecution for the sale and possession of these dangerous new drugs."


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