
Global Firm Announce €150m Dublin Expansion

Digital Realty, a global provider of data centre and colocation solutions, has announced a €150 million expansion of its Dublin Profile Park centre.

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton, announced the expansion of Digital Realty’s first facility within its 10 acre data centre campus at Profile Park, West Dublin.

Digital Realty will add approximately 10,000 sq. ft. of data centre technical space to complement its current and fully occupied data centre hall at Profile Park. The expansion will complete the first data centre facility at the campus, still leaving green field space for future data centre builds.

Minister Bruton said: "Big data is a sector which offers massive opportunities for Ireland, and that is why we have specifically identified it as part of a major initiative in the Action Plan for Jobs. This €150million Digital Realty data centre project is another example of huge possibilities that exist in this area, and I am delighted to welcome the announcement of the next steps in this plan. I wish Gary and all the team every success with this project".

Martin Shanahan, Chief Executive of IDA Ireland also supported today’s announcement: "Seeing Digital Realty expand its facility is a positive sign for Ireland. IDA has been marketing Ireland’s strong data centre infrastructure with clients abroad for some time now. This additional investment from Digital Realty proves, once again, that Ireland is a great place to locate data centres."

Gary Keogh, Digital Realty Sales Director added: "We are committed to further developing our business in Ireland, and today’s announcement is a testament to that."

He added: "Digital Realty is witnessing increased demand from organisations looking to host their data in Ireland and use it as a gateway for their operations in Europe and the Middle East. Ireland has become a key destination for companies looking to benefit from the latest infrastructure and knowledge economy that is rapidly developing within the country."


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