Unemployment Falls To Lowest Level In Eight Years
New figures have revealed unemployment has fallen to its lowest level in eight years.
The latest CSO statistics show unemployment fell to 7.8% in June (169,100), compared to 9.4% during the same period last year (203,700).
Social Protection Minister Leo Varadkar welcomed the findings, saying the statistic is "clear evidence" the country is continuing to recover from its recession.
However, he added that Ireland is still "lagging behind" other EU countries and there is "still a lot of work to do".
"This Government continues to make good progress in tackling unemployment, which has fallen from 15% when Fine Gael first took office to 7.8% now," he said.
"The unemployment level fell by 500 to 169,100 in the last month, the lowest level in eight years since September 2008. There were almost continuous monthly reductions in the rate of unemployment for 29 straight months from January 2014 onwards, and it remains steady in June below the key rate of 8%. There has also been significant progress in tackling long-term unemployment."
"However, we still have a lot of work to do and are lagging behind several other EU countries. The level of unemployment and particularly long term unemployment is still too high. We could and should be making more progress in assisting those who became unemployed following the crash, and have been unable to find work since. That is why I will continue to work with the Labour Market Council and other experts."
The latest CSO statistics show unemployment fell to 7.8% in June (169,100), compared to 9.4% during the same period last year (203,700).
Social Protection Minister Leo Varadkar welcomed the findings, saying the statistic is "clear evidence" the country is continuing to recover from its recession.
However, he added that Ireland is still "lagging behind" other EU countries and there is "still a lot of work to do".
"This Government continues to make good progress in tackling unemployment, which has fallen from 15% when Fine Gael first took office to 7.8% now," he said.
"The unemployment level fell by 500 to 169,100 in the last month, the lowest level in eight years since September 2008. There were almost continuous monthly reductions in the rate of unemployment for 29 straight months from January 2014 onwards, and it remains steady in June below the key rate of 8%. There has also been significant progress in tackling long-term unemployment."
"However, we still have a lot of work to do and are lagging behind several other EU countries. The level of unemployment and particularly long term unemployment is still too high. We could and should be making more progress in assisting those who became unemployed following the crash, and have been unable to find work since. That is why I will continue to work with the Labour Market Council and other experts."
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