
Student Housing Provision On Track For 2019 Target

Student housing provision across Ireland is on track to reach a 2019 target set out under the National Student Accommodation Strategy (NSAS).

The new Q1 2019 progress report on the strategy revealed 6,362 Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) bed spaces had been completed since the launch of Rebuilding Ireland. NSAS is targeting the provision of 7,000 bed spaces by the end of 2019 and a total of 21,000 additional PBSA beds by 2024.

The Minister of State for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O'Connor TD and the Minister of State with special responsibility for Housing and Urban Development Damien English TD released the report today, 08 May.

A total of 6,007 further bed spaces were under construction as of the end Q1 2019, while 2,880 were at the planning permission application stage and 6,005 additional bed spaces had planning permission granted.

Minister Mitchell O'Connor said: "I welcome the continued progress in delivery of student accommodation nationally. Increasing the availability of accommodation remains the most effective way to provide real choice to students and will act to moderate prices as the supply and demand near equilibrium in the future.    

"In the interim, my officials are working closely with officials from the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government to ensure that students, living in student-specific accommodation, will be able to avail of the same rent predictability measures as other tenants, whether they are in that accommodation on foot of a lease or a license."

Minister English added: "I welcome proposed legislative measures in the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill, which is progressing through the Oireachtas, that will extend rent predictability measures to students in purpose built student accommodation.

"The proposed measures will allow students a level of protection from rent increases disproportionate to the wider rental market. The Q1, 2019 figures confirm continued progress in the delivery of purpose built student accommodation across the country and a strong pipeline of future developments at planning and construction stages."


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