
Major Infrastructure Proposal For Cork Published

The National Transport Authority has published the draft of a major infrastructure plan for Cork.

The Strategy published today by The National Transport Authority (NTA), in association with Cork County Council, Cork City Council and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), will provide a framework for the planning and delivery of transport infrastructure and services in the Cork Metropolitan Area over the next two decades.

This projected population and associated economic growth will result in a significant increase in the demand for travel and public transport. The Strategy will provide a coherent transport planning policy and implementation plan up to 2040 so that this demand can be managed and planned for. This means that all of the various agencies will be able to work together to safeguard and enhance Cork's attractiveness as a place to live, work, visit and invest in, in the years ahead.

National Transport Authority CEO Anne Graham said: "The Cork Transport Strategy 2040 is great news for Cork from social, economic and environmental points of view.

"It will deliver an accessible, integrated transport network that enables the sustainable growth of the Cork Metropolitan Area as a dynamic, connected, and internationally competitive European city region as envisaged by the National Planning Framework 2040.

"An exciting vision of transport that will encourage more people to use sustainable modes is at the core of this strategy.

"This strategy will give effect to the transport provisions for Cork included in Project Ireland 2040.

"We look forward to getting feedback on our proposals and would encourage people to engage with us during the public consultation process."

The Strategy covers proposals for walking, cycling, bus transport, suburban rail, light rail and road.


A central objective is to get more people walking more of the time, either as part of a linked trip with other modes or as a trip in its own right. Key outcomes for walking in the Strategy include:

• An increase in walking levels for work, education and leisure;

• Addressing the safety issues and barriers that prevent citizens and visitors from walking more in Cork;

• Supporting a high quality and fully accessible environment for all abilities and ages by continuing to develop a safe, legible and attractive public realm;

• Facilitate walking's role as part of linked trips, particularly with rail and bus journeys; and

• Promote a far higher standard of urban design in new developments, and in highway design, in a fashion that consistently prioritises pedestrian movement and safety over that of the private car.


Cycling is a low cost, sustainable and growing mode of transport in the Cork Metropolitan Area. The NDP 2018-2027 commits to the delivery of walking and cycling networks for all of Ireland's cities.

Some key primary cycle routes to be improved within the Cork Metropolitan Area include:

• Segregated routes along waterfront areas;

• Sallybrook/Glanmire – City Centre via Lower Glanmire Road;

• Model Farm Road to Glasheen Road;

• Old Youghal Road;

• Kinsale Road – Airport;

• Douglas Road;

• Skehard Road;

• Station Road, Carrigtwohill;

• Northern Distributor Road; and

• Southern Distributor Road.

Bus transport

An over-arching objective is to prioritise the early delivery of bus services and bus priority. Prioritising bus services over general traffic will be critical to the delivery of an efficient, frequent and reliable bus system and forms a major part of the overall BusConnects programme.

Buses are an extremely efficient mode of transport and will continue to be the backbone of the public transport system in Cork.

Their flexibility means that routes and frequencies can be adapted to support phases of new development or as circumstances dictate. Buses will also provide an increasingly important interchange service between the InterCity, suburban rail and light rail stations and the Park and Ride network.

The enhanced BusConnects network will comprise of a significantly increased bus network, bus priority and around 220 new double decker vehicles. In total, the network will comprise of 200km of cross city routes, 50km of orbital routes and 150km of radial routes and will provide interchange with the Cork Suburban Rail Network, Light Rail network and proposed Park and Ride services.

Suburban Rail

The rail network provides direct and reliable access to Cork City Centre from a significant portion of its east and northern Metropolitan Cork catchment area. This Strategy proposes to maximise opportunities offered by the existing suburban rail network to support the travel needs across the area. New stations are planned at

• Tivoli Docks;

• Dunkettle;

• Water Rock;

• Ballynoe;

• Carrigtwohill West;

• Blackpool / Kilbarry;

• Monard;

• Blarney / Stoneview.

• Light Rail.

Following detailed analysis of projected travel demand, this Strategy has determined that the East-West Transit Corridor is best served through the provision of a new Light Rail Transit (LRT) tram system. The topography and distribution of existing trip generators and attractors, combined with the proposed development opportunity areas within Cork City and its suburbs, indicate the desirability for a linear route from Ballincollig in the west to Mahon in the east, via Cork City Centre. The catchment area of the future light-rail system will be included places such as:

• Ballincollig;

• The proposed Cork Science and Innovation Park (CSIP);

• Cork Institute of Technology (CIT);

• Cork University Hospital (CUH);

• University College Cork (UCC);

• Cork City Centre;

• Kent Station / Cork North Docklands;

• Cork South Docklands; and

• Mahon.

Maximising the potential of the rail corridor will support better integration of land use planning and public transport.

The LRT will be preceded by a high frequency bus service between Mahon and Ballincollig. This will be delivered in the short-term to underpin higher development densities along the corridor including the regeneration of the Cork City Docks.


The first priority for road investment in the Strategy will be to maintain, renew, manage and operate the existing road infrastructure in a more efficient manner. Other priorities reflect a need to provide multi-modal travel particularly on new roads within urban areas; increasing the liveability and place-making functions of the urban street network; and to manage the network to discourage through traffic in built up areas. For Cork to grow sustainably as forecast, its street network must facilitate more walking and cycling.

Its arterial routes must also prioritise the movement of buses. Within Cork City Centre, metropolitan centres and inner neighbourhoods, streets will have more of a place function and will require a greater emphasis on liveability, motor traffic restraint and traffic calming.

New roads will be required in some cases to unlock housing and commercial development and to support local access in planned growth areas. New developments will therefore, be served by existing and/ or planned public transport and designed to maximise connectivity to local networks and services.

Public consultation will run for six weeks from Wednesday 15 May until Friday 28 June 2019 on the draft Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy (CMATS). Consultation material will be available to view at Cork City Hall and Cork County Hall for the duration of the consultation period.

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