
HSE's Capital Plan Revealed

Government Ministers have revealed the Health Service Executive's Capital Plan with €2 billion to be divided between hospitals and local health facilities.

Included in the 250 health capital projects to take place from 2019 to 2021 are:

• Over €1 billion on Government priorities – new Children's Hospital, National Rehabilitation Hospital, National Forensic Mental Health facility in Portrane and Radiation Oncology facilities in Cork, Galway and Dublin;

• €265m over the three years to replace / refurbish residences for older people and people with a disability;

• €300m to maintain and upgrade facilities, equipment and ambulances throughout the country

• Over €335m for a wide range capital projects at individual hospital and primary/community facilities to provide modern health accommodation and equipment to improve and expand service provision.

• Progressing three new hospitals to drive down waiting lists.

The plan was revealed by An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, Health Minister Simon Harris and Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe.

Minister Harris said: "The Capital Plan being published today is a continued sign of the investment taking place in our health service.

"This is phase one of our ten year capital investment programme. Over the next three years, we are committing to 250 projects across the country, 480 new beds, 30 new primary care centres, 58 community nursing units, and significant investment in mental health and disability projects in the community.

"As we reform the health service in line with Sláintecare, it is vital we continue to invest in capital infrastructure and crucially, invest in the community and social care settings."


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