
Loyalist Threat To Assembly Member

East Londonderry MLA John Dallat has revealed he has been warned by police that his life may be under threat from loyalists.

SDLP assembly member John Dallat was told that “loyalist elements” were gathering information at his home and tracking his movements. He was given the news while on a trip to Bosnia.

Mr Dallat has said he believes the UDA are responsible for the threats, and he is prepared to meet with police to discuss his personal security.

He had previously criticised the Stormont Social Development Minister, Margaret Ritchie’s decision to give the terror group a 60-day ultimatum to disarm or face the withdrawal of £1.2 million funding for the renewal of their neighbourhoods.

“This clearly shows that there is ongoing planning which has nothing to do with winding up the killer machine,” he said.

“I don’t expect the police to offer me any security which is not available to every other member of the community.

“This development is, of course, not new although it is some time since police last alerted me to personal danger of this kind. In each and every case they came from the UDA and it now comes after I gave my support to the minister to withdraw funding.”

Mr Dallat, who lives in Kilrea with his wife and two sons, has previously been targeted by the UDA and the neo-Nazi group Combat 18.


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