
Reservations Over Excessive Incineration

A leading private waste firm has warned the Government it’s over reliance on incineration may lead to massive EU fines.

Greenstar says a study it commissioned has found the Irish government is too focused on incinerators to divert biodegradable waste from landfills, as required by EU Directives.

According to the company, if the EU targets are not met by 2010, Ireland could face fines of €270 million.

However, questions have been raised over the timing of the release of the Greenstar’s findings.

Residents in the east of the county have recently spoken out against the company vowing to fight against a new planning application by Greenstar, who operate a landfill in Kilconnell.

The company has applied to Galway County Council to lift a regional restriction imposed in 2003 so that the facility can accept waste from other regions.

An increase in the use of incinerators is likely to impact on the company’s turnover, possibly prompting a reaction against the government’s plans to introduce a series of multi million pound incinerators.

A public meeting took place in Kilconnell last week to discuss opposition to the planning application and another meeting will take place to further discuss the application.


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