
'No' Campaign Turns Out To Be A Turkey

Ireland's most infamous turkey has been recruited by the EU Treaty's No campaigners in the run up to the country's crucial referendum today.

After a spectacular failure at the Eurovision Song Contest, Dustin the Turkey has become the mascot for the 'No' campaign with the slogan: "They didn't vote for us. Get them back. Vote No to Lisbon."

No campaigners are using last month's result to inspire a compulsion to 'avenge the loss' by rejection of the EU's Lisbon Treaty.

The glove puppet's song, Irelande Douze Pointe, received too few points from Europeans in the Belgrade contest to make it to the final.

More seriously, Ireland is the only member state to hold a referendum on the Treaty and the country has seen a frenzied poster campaign from both sides.

Dustin's name has surfaced a number of times in the 'No' campaign, with Sinn Fein Leader Gerry Adams suggesting the turkey could have done a better job representing Ireland's national interests in negotiations over the Treaty.

Mr Adams contends a 'No' vote would allow Ireland to renegotiate the treaty to further represent Ireland's interests.

Ireland's Prime Minister Brian Cowen has accused groups opposed to the EC Treaty of "spreading misinformation".

Last night, he two sides were locked in a tight contest, with many voters still undecided on the eve of the crucial vote.


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