
Ireland Could Miss Key EU Targets

A new report has revealed that Ireland is on course to miss key targets in tackling waste, CO2 emissions and water quality.

The document from the Environmental Protection Agency has said despite the recession, continued investment is needed to meet international commitments.

The report states for example that under the most favourable scenario, Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions will exceed the proposed reduction target for 2020 by seven million tonnes, and that municipal waste diversion targets for 2016 will be missed by 800,000 tonnes.

Director General of the agency, Mary Kelly, said progress had been too slow to date.

"We are not making headway and we are not progressing at the rate we need to. We have challenges on climate change, we have challenges on water quality and we have challenges on waste."

Another concern is the emissions of nitrogen oxides, currently well above the 2010 ceiling. These emissions are expected to remain high, mainly due to the number of cars we drive.

Ms Kelly added: "While we will maintain our focus on licensing, enforcing, regulation and education, we need to continue to fund research and the development of environmental technologies.

"Today's environmental research is tomorrow's environmental protection, and through the development of green technologies innovative solutions can be brought to market."

Failure to meet the EU targets could result in huge fines coming from the taxpayers pocket. Ireland is also at risk of breaching the EU rules on borrowing limits, which could also result in fines.


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