
81% Say Garda Are Satisfactory

A new survey released by Garda has shown that 81% of those surveyed are satisfied with the work of the force.

The figures have been released as part of the 2008 Garda Public Attitudes Survey, which spoke to 10,000 members of the public.

It also showed that despite the strong satisfaction figures, the levels of crime reporting has dropped since last year, and less than half of victims of crime could say they were satisfied with being kept informed of progress in the investigation.

In other findings, 72% of respondents felt that the Garda service needed to be improved with the most frequent suggestions calling for greater manpower, more foot patrols, more contact with the community and longer station opening hours.

However, an opposition TD has hit out at some of the findings.

Fine Gael Justice Spokesman Charlie Flanagan said the results showed the Government had failed to clamp down on crime in spite of repeated election pledges to make people feel safer.

"This survey is a damning indictment of Fianna Fáil's record in tackling serious crime and making people feel safer. After 12 years of this Government, one in four people are worried about being targeted by criminals and 21% feel even less safe when out walking.

"A total of 89% of respondents said crime is increasing, while 57% of people said crime is a very serious problem.

The analysis by the Fine Gael member was not backed up by the Garda Commissioner who welcomed the survey's findings.

However, Commissioner Fachtna Murphy said: "I am pleased that overall satisfication with An Garda Síochána remains very strong at 81% and that satisfaction with Garda contact was found to be 79%.

"It is important that individuals who seek our help and assistance receive a quality and professional service. At the core of that service must be our ability to deal effectively with members of the public.

"While these survey findings provide some reassurance that this is happening on a daily basis, there is no room for complacency and surveys such as this guide and inform us as we strive to provide an even better service into the future.

"To that end, we will continue to build strong links with the communities we police and work with them in partnership to find solutions to their problems and ensure a safe and secure local environment for everyone."


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