
More Arrests In North As Police Hunt Killers

A total of seven people are now being questioned in connection with the murder of PSNI Constable Stephen Carroll in Co Armagh last week.

The police have today arrested two more people in connection with the terrorist outrage, claimed by the Continuity IRA.

Four arrests have also been made in connection with the Real IRA murders of two soldiers at a British Army base in Antrim town last weekend, bringing the total in custody to eleven.

Among weekend developments was the discovery of a gun and ammunition which was seized by police in one of a series of raids.

Teams of detectives are hunting the dissident republicans who gunned down two soldiers at Massereene barracks in Antrim and shot dead a police constable in Craigavon.

Police were later attacked by masked youths in the Craigavon area when they arrested high-profile republican Colin Duffy, 41.

He was held in a dawn raid at his home in Lurgan over the murder of the two soldiers.

Last night police asked motorists to avoid the Drumbeg estate in Craigavon as two cars had been set alight, which police believe were hijacked, follwing continuing trouble.

Cross-border railway services were also disrupted yesterday in Lurgan due to a suspicious object on the line.

It has also been confirmed that among those arrested was 32-year-old Declan McGlinchey, son of republican paramilitary leader Dominic McGlinchey, who before his death was dubbed the most wanted man in Ireland.

Speaking at the weekend, PSNI Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde said he believed there are around 300 dissident republicans involved in the campaign to undermine the Stormont power-sharing administration.

Meanwhile, special church services and vigils were held over the weekend to reject the return of violence and show support for peace.

In Limavady, some 200 people attended a vigil to show their opposition to the murder of two soldiers and a policeman by dissident republicans.

The silent protest on Sunday was organised by the council and led by clergy from three denominations.


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