
Unemployment Rise Slowing, Hints Ahern

Justice Minister Dermot Ahern has hinted there could be some good news on Friday for the spiralling unemployment figures.

March's live register figures are due out by the Central Statistics Office on Friday and Mr Ahern is hinting that the rate may have slowed down.

Unemployment was at 10% in February, with more than 354,000 people on the register.

Speaking in the Daíl today, Minister Ahern added that Government ministers are near the end of their deliberations for the April emergency budget.

As the budget approaches, Labour's Róisín Shortall accused the Government of ignoring the growing problem of personal debt.

Speaking during a Private Members Debate on debt, Deputy Shortall said: "The focus of Government and media on the desperate state of our public finances has hidden the grim reality of the devastating debt burden on ordinary Irish families.

"The Government is the first to tell those struggling with debt that the worst thing you can do is to ignore the problem; yet this is exactly what the Government is doing in respect of the mounting crisis of private mortgage debt."

The budget is due on April 7.


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